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HomeINDIAN POLITYSalient Features of the Indian Constitution

Salient Features of the Indian Constitution

Explore the Salient Features of the Indian Constitution – Discover the unique and essential aspects that define India’s governing framework in this insightful article.


The Indian Constitution, often regarded as the most comprehensive constitution in the world, is the backbone of the largest democracy on the planet. It reflects the wisdom and vision of the framers who meticulously designed it to meet the diverse needs and aspirations of the Indian populace. In this article, we will delve into the salient features of the Indian Constitution, shedding light on its unique aspects and their significance in shaping the country’s governance.

Historical Context

Before we dive into the features, let’s understand the historical backdrop that paved the way for the Indian Constitution. India gained independence from British colonial rule in 1947, and a Constituent Assembly was formed to draft the constitution. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the chief architect, and the drafting committee worked diligently to create a document that would guide the nation. Here are some key features that make the Indian Constitution stand out:

Preamble: The Essence of Salient features

The salient features of the Indian Constitution are best encapsulated in its Preamble. It lays down the core values and objectives, emphasizing justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity as the foundation of the Constitution.

Federal Structure with Unitary Features

The Indian Constitution provides for a federal system of government with a division of powers between the center and the states. However, in times of emergencies, the Constitution can transform into a unitary system, allowing the center to have more control.

Fundamental Rights

One of the most significant salient features is the guarantee of fundamental rights to every citizen. These rights, including the right to equality, freedom of speech and expression, and the right to life and personal liberty, are justiciable and can be enforced by the courts.

Directive Principles of State Policy

These principles, enshrined in Part IV of the Constitution, guide the state in policymaking. Although they are non-justiciable, they are fundamental in promoting the welfare of the people and ensuring social justice.

Parliamentary System: A Salient Feature of Governance

The Indian Constitution follows the Westminster model of parliamentary democracy. The President of India is the ceremonial head of state, while the Prime Minister is the head of government. The Council of Ministers is responsible to the Parliament.


India is a secular state, meaning there is no official state religion. The government treats all religions equally and does not favor any particular faith. This salient features grants citizens the freedom to practice their religion of choice.

Universal Adult Suffrage

An essential salient features is universal adult suffrage, ensuring that every adult citizen has the right to vote, regardless of their caste, creed, gender, or economic status. This promotes a more representative democracy.

Independent Judiciary

The Indian judiciary is independent of the executive and legislative branches, ensuring the protection of citizens’ rights. The Supreme Court of India is the highest judicial authority in the country.

Single Citizenship

Unlike many other federal systems, India follows a single citizenship model. Every citizen is a citizen of India and their respective state.

Fundamental Duties

Fundamental duties were introduced through the 42nd Amendment. These salient features remind citizens of their responsibilities towards the nation and foster a sense of patriotism and social responsibility.


The Constitution can be amended to adapt to changing circumstances. However, some provisions, like the Preamble and the basic structure, are considered immutable.

Reservations and Affirmative Action

India uses reservations to uplift marginalized communities. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes are provided with special provisions to help bridge historical inequalities.

Bicameral Legislature

India has a bicameral legislature at the state level, comprising the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council (in certain states). At the national level, it’s the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

Fundamental Rights vs. Directive Principles

The Constitution strikes a balance between individual rights (fundamental rights) and the larger welfare of the society (directive principles), emphasizing that the latter should prevail in case of a conflict.

Local Self-Government

The Constitution empowers local self-government institutions like Panchayats and Municipalities to manage local affairs, fostering grassroots democracy.


The Indian Constitution is a remarkable document that not only upholds the principles of democracy but also encompasses the socio-economic realities of India. It’s an evolving and dynamic charter that has been a guiding light for the nation’s progress.


1. Can the Indian Constitution be amended?

Yes, the Indian Constitution can be amended, but certain core provisions, like the Preamble and basic structure, are considered immutable.

2. What are the fundamental duties in the Indian Constitution?

The fundamental duties were added through the 42nd Amendment and include duties like upholding the integrity of India and promoting a sense of fraternity.

3. How does the Indian Constitution promote social justice?

The Directive Principles of State Policy are a key element in promoting social justice by guiding the state in policymaking to ensure the welfare of the people.

4. What is the significance of the Preamble in the Indian Constitution?

The Preamble sets the objectives and values of the Constitution, emphasizing justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity as its pillars.

5. How does the Indian Constitution promote inclusivity?

Universal adult suffrage, reservations, and affirmative action are some of the ways the Constitution ensures inclusivity and social justice in India.



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